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Clearwater BEACH YOGA

Beach YOGA 8:00 - 9:00 am Daily

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Join us on the sand for an all levels Beach Flow, directly in front of Hilton-Clearwater Beach,
400 Mandalay Avenue.
Reserve a spot by registering online below.

Schedule-Current Week

Yoga Mats NOT recommended on the beach, you can rent our 60' x 80" Beach Yoga Blanket or just bring a large towel.

If it is raining, we set up under the open air pavilion at the Hilton. Our beautiful pavilion provides shelter from the rain and strong winds with a view of the water and beach.

**If you have any issues registering online, please arrive 10 minutes before class to create an account and pay instructor on the beach.

Scheduling & Pricing
  • 1 Class with Blanket

    Valid for 6 months
  • 1 Class

    Valid for 6 months
  • 5 Classes

    Valid for 6 months
  • 5 & Blanket rental

    Valid for 6 months
  • Month Unlimited

    Valid for one month
  • 30 days with Blanket

    Valid for one month
  • LOCAL-Unlimited-Annual Contract

    Every month
    Valid for 12 months


We have hosted GROUP & INDIVIDUAL private sessions from one to over 200 attendees.


Girls weekend, Bachelorettes, Company Conferences, Women's Retreats, and many more have enjoyed Beach Yoga Bliss!! 

We customize the sessions to your specific needs accommodating levels, ages and interests. Sessions are held at your location on the day and time you choose.


Contact us via email or call

727 300-1923 to discuss pricing. 

Private Sessions
Meet on the Beach in front of the Hilton
400 Mandalay Avenue

Clearwater Beach, FL 33767

727 300-1923


Thank you for Contacting Us. We will reply shortly.

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